Cosmopsychology — The Psychology of Humans as Spiritual Beings



Cosmopsychology - The Psychology of Humans as Spiritual Beings

Cosmopsychology - The Psychology of Humans as Spiritual Beings


Cosmopsychology has been defined as: (1) astrology; (2) the psychological system behind Sri Aurobindo’s Vedantic theory of spiritual development; (3) and the science of psychology as applied to the development of mind among extraterrestrial beings. The third definition—the development of mind and/or psychological functioning in extraterrestrial beings—has not been addressed here.

Regarding the first definition, cosmopsychology has been used as a synonym for astrology. This usage is especially obvious when dealing with psychological astrology. However, it is just as true when dealing with predictive astrology. Events are the actions of the psyche. Without events, actions, or behaviors, there is no psychology. Some of the basics of astrology have been examined with an emphasis on their psychological nature. The psychological aspects of numerology have been examined as well. Numerology is implicit in astrology, and numerology has always been a science of mind or consciousness and its manifestation in personality. The I Ching describes the correspondences between mind and world as phases of the yang-yin polarities. What applies to astrology, numerology, and the I Ching applies to palmistry, the tarot, the runes, and all other occult, mystical, or metaphysical sciences as well. Each reveals the correspondence between the microcosm and the macrocosm. These correspondences apply at the mundane level of mind, personality, and events.

Modern psychology has rediscovered that the mind is a multileveled thing and that we live out karmic life scripts. These scripts can be identified by our transactions with other people or from an astrological chart. While it is possible to use any metaphysical science without reference to cause and effect, karma and karmaphala, rebirth and reincarnation, to do so leaves many unanswered questions. At a deeper level, each metaphysical science implies psychospiritual movement within a single lifetime as well as from one lifetime to the next. A Vedic astrologer or numerologist would never think about leaving out this deeper dimension.

The mysteries of this deeper level have been best preserved by the orthodox Vedic school known as Vedanta. Vedanta has preserved the teachings regarding the states, stages, and planes of consciousness that one meets while travelling a path to Self-realization. The essential philosophy of Vedanta is also present in Buddhism, in most aboriginal religions, and in the esoteric schools of the other great wisdom traditions.

At the esoteric or arcane level, each form of divination serves as a guide for psychospiritual development. Astrology, numerology, etc. are all forms of divination (though we do not use this word much these days). Divination refers to predicting or prophesying. However, Aurobindo used divination in its original meaning, i.e., to make divine, god-like, or spiritualize. He defined supramentalization as divination in this latter sense of the word. Supramentalization involves bringing down the supramental consciousness to transform and divinize each individual. Divinizing involves an actual change in one’s physical form or body. The esoteric use of astrology, or any of the metaphysical sciences, as a guide to spiritual growth also refers to this latter meaning for divination.

The second definition of cosmopsychology encompasses the nature of consciousness, meditation, karma, rebirth, and Self-realization. This definition is essentially the same as the second definition of divinization—to make divine, god-like, or spiritualize. Cosmopsychology refers both to the correspondences between the human mind and external universe and to the growth or evolution of the mind as it moves to higher forms of consciousness.

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